Friday, December 30, 2005

booting it.

i went to the gym today again and i am feelin FIT. haha finally. but not THAT until i'm bulging like i use to. that's juz NOT wad i have in mind to reach.

continued wid liu xin hua yuan. already at the ...11 disc!!! :D
i think shan cai is cunning. tsk tsk.

darkness consumes the light of day.
ribbons of shine,
like ray,
dissipates, and only black.
no hope, no white, no light.
oh, black covers the timid ones
who fear the unknown,
as if to drop like stones
into a pitless well.
consumed with fear
u have no choice.
just hold on for dear
life. it's clear,
make that choice.
face the danger.
u can. u will.
no fear.

i unveil thy mask and give u thee.

literature will forever be the one element that uncovers the truths of life, or hides it with prose and verses.

the joy in english, the joy of english, enjoy with english. :D

ho man, i'm really enjoyin this. hahaha.

why din i use to enjoy literature as much as i use to in secondary sch???
i mean, i noe i dun score exceptionally well in this subject, but juz readin and creatin juz makes me want to smile, and cry.
how ironic and enticing.
i'm in love with yet another aspect of life.

i think it's about time we all found another missin piece in our life before the jigsaw killer comes and gets us.
*rolls eyes.
dun we all just LOVE~ SAW (/) and (//).

oh such joys in livin. die u reckless fools hu commit suicide. die.
see wad else ur missin in life. *sticks tongue out.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

how pretty they look, and yet ugly i noe they are.

my quick earned and easy cash is on its way! (((:

and can u BELIEVE i've been watchin liu xin hua yuan again?! hahaha
i'm at the 5th disc now mind u.

I can't WAIT for my pay!!! :D

and sch is startin soon, a certain enjoyment to look forward to, orientation and all.

and my baby is leavin soon. *sigh.

had dinner wid my cousins outside, somethin i haven't done in a million years. excludin those reunion dinners we almost, always have with our families that is.

and i can't wait for the da vinci code to come out.
WHY does it haf to come out in MAY nxt YEARRRRrrr~?????!!! *whines *roars *snorts *kicks
thank god there are talented and creative and CONSIDERATE individuals in the world like TOM HANKS, or some ppl in the world wld never undestand the glory and works of Dan Brown.

in fact i love everythin that contradicts the presence of god. *cough. ANY god i meant, not that i haf anythin against christians and catholics.

i guess i question the unlogical too much.
how coarse of me.

ironically, i happen to enjoy the stories of each gods' growth into ultimate immortality. the lessons we shld learn, and the untimely.. or (in jesus's deminese) timely, death and torture in which each idividuals suffer greatly, somethin of which we must all repent for in much, MUCH more years to come.
and they speak of forgiveness. * rolls eyes.


i must say that life looks much perkier without any jobs to drag me frm cloud 9 every morn at 7 am.

and yes, sorry to disappoint u ppl hu are HOPIN i din go gym.
I DID. haha!
no famous amos cookies for you. ha ha HA


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

such joys, what despairity.

birk and papillio online shoppin!

the joys of what u really want at the very tips of ur fingers, juz a CLICK away.
only to drop back to reality that its (what u want) more than 6 hrs flight away over oceans and wide expanses of land.
and worst yet, money doesn't drop frm they sky. *sigh

tmr film again.

and narnia sucks *groan *sigh. its sooooo... anti climax! i so hoped for somethin more explosive and "ooo"ish. BUT. *sigh. HAHAHA

at least the company was fine. :D

and i broke the promise o myself of wantin to go gym today!!!
those who see this post, i give u full priviledge of allowin me to treat u to cookies frm famous amos IF i dun go to gym tmr.

that will scare the livin day lights out of me. * imagines spendin $_ _ _ on u bunch of reckless food munchin fools.

I'M GOING. "neh neh ni BOO BOO"

i'm sucha cheapskate.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


today was filmin.
i'm a total embaressment so i shan't elaborate.

the whole day was spent at home, WITH my darlin.((: watchin a part of the oscar winning Frankenstein movie. and him trailin off to do a little warcrafting *eyes rolllll.

aft which we had to rush downstairs ( yes there's a coffeshop below my apt block ) to eat our long forgotten lunch. and when i say rush.. i meant RUSH.
we gobbled it all up in quick time, a record breaking, 10 mins once all and anythin edible was displayed on the table.
It's the power of the hungry. HAHA.

and PRINCESS is smelly. i've got to bathe her. maybe tmr. and return the VCD, AND perhaps head to the gym juz b4 lunch. but i'll see.
i'm becomin such a bum it's scary. HO KAY! gymin is a MUST.

i hate smokers. i really do.
and, i've across a revelation...
i look like a good girl don't i? DON'T I?????


Monday, December 26, 2005

seasons SElebrations.

it's boxing day, so here's wishin all of u a happy BOXING day. (((:

christmas was spent wid the very missed kc ppl. took A LOT of random photos at the esplanade until we almost looked foriegn if not for our proper singaporean english without slang, mind u. HAHA.

and before i forget, a request has been made by xiu juan to mention her name when i post, so.

"Xiao Juan Juan!" (((:

well, 9 out of the supposed 12 of us met for dinner at Marche, dressed very out of the ordinary casual and had a girly day talkin bout past events so on so forth. very nostalgic. and i haven't seen evelyn, xiu juan and xiao wei in AGESSSSsssss. so there. my complain.

and i'm happy i finally got some time to haf a proper "long time never had" NCC talk with them (their CLTS.. explains why huh.) haha. that has been eons ago too.

before all that happened, i woke up at TWELVE pm, a very seldom occurance since i always sleep max 8 hrs, and then bathed and rushed over to crowded takashimaya in town where i got some supplies for doin the pretty cards i made *coughs. then rushed back t get them done, followin that, RUSHED to marche to hope to reserve a table, but turns out there's this stupid policy of needin 80% of ur entourage to be there to actually GET a table. such bullshit. so i stood there in my finery, alone, like the only child i am and waited for 10-15 mins for my frens to come, hwo took their water tricklin time to make their way over.

but then i was early, so their tricklin wasn't really tricklin if u think abt it. HAHA. and i shld haf remembered that KC girls will always be late no matter how early they think they are.*sigh
the habits attained by socializing in a feminine environment.

ok i'm reaaaalllly tired, and tmr's my cousin's wedding. SO.

i'll get those photos wei wei. I'LL GET THEM!!! :D

Saturday, December 24, 2005


ok, another! haha. i'm so bored,explainin my second post in only wad.. 2+ hrs? *sigh.

later, i'll be goin to my uncle's place for christmas dinner. dinner at his place... again. more pirated dvds to watch. haha.

tsk tsk.
stop piracy! *grins.

face what facts?

here's one of the many pics on that day! (: haha

anyway. ya i'm at home, AND i din go for the party party yest night/dawn. AND, i haven watched Narnia. AND plans for tmr is takin finally form aft a major glitch. i see hope.

go to my LINKS and check out "ting!" her lj has nice pics of perth. go see go see! (advert runs).

i finally ended my job. FINALLY.
now i can get my hands on my geog notes, a cravin very unlike my usual pursuits, but nonetheless educational in every sense of the word.

i juz watched my ice age vcd! *rolls eyes
i almost forgot how sweet and utterly hilarious those animals can be.

may all mammals on earth live in PEACE ( the REAL world peace) and HARMONY ( the kind which involves the joy in which daisies can bring, noe wad i'm describin?)

mentionin that, have u every wondered WHY one feels happy at the sight of daisies? especially a field full? the image brings the ultimate, puriest joy one can feel, and u dun even know WHY u feel that way. and its not like that's paradise. paradise involves beach-sun-sea-coconut trees. haha. COCOnuts. ((:
ok sorry drifting.
ya, ever asked why? know the ans, pls tag and tell. i'm curious.

here's another!

pictures may mean a thousand words, but not this.

ok more updates later i guess.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

festive fiesta

yesterday was LOVElY~ ((:

the FIRST christmas party in a long line of happiness yet to come, OOOoooo i can't WAIT.
camera whorin was endless, tremendous fun.

god, chiristmas shld be everyday! haha. (image of jesus popoin out every few hours. um... that's quite sick

that would ALSO make us poor POOR ppl.

but i guess it really is nice to give and receive presents. OHhhhh the joys of presents on christmas. haha! *raises hands in the air and does a little jig-

he he.

Marche dinner was THE main money drainer and the atmosphere was slightly spoilt by the LONG table beside us seated by the most inconsiderate bunch of Immature adults u will ever see. all that screamin and squeelin and shoutin and roarin and grunting and banging and bursting and stampeding (and the list goes on but that will just spoil the mood further sooo..) all OVER the area which they took up, was ear Splitting.
and utterly Irritating.


it's CHRISTMAS!!! :D

picture collection pls, picture collection. *nai min!!!!

"2 days to end of WORK.
2 days to partyin.
1 day to eunice's birthday BASH!"

i'm gona slap and kick.
watch my limps FLY

Sunday, December 18, 2005


ok. here's a quickie before i sleep.
quickie. haha.

today was spent at home. no really. my whole damn day was AT HOME. but nvm. today's a sunday, not as big a sin as stayin home on a saturday.
( yaya. tryin to cover up the truth of havin SUCH a borin sunday)
besides, town is no more appealin than a pair of smelly socks these day, with the growin crush and all.

BUT i'll be borrowin my cousin's cam again. SO. town would be a once more to collect as much christmas fotos i can get as possible wid my darlin, and my frens. *wheezes
finally some snappish enlightenment abt to happen. i'd really rot knowin i haven gotten any quirky shots of the grp (company and clique).

you know, i REALISED that a lot of things start with "C"

i guess, that's somethin really nice to take note since MY name happens to start with a C. and so does Calvin's. (((:



the desperate call for redemption

my pay check is gone.
gone with the wind.
and its not comin back~ *whines/sobs/cries(in desperation)

and the nxt one(pay check) would only come nxt year.
maybe i shld go for banquet and earn myself some quick cash..

maybe not. hur.

got some considerably cheap stuff frm spotlight in PS and did some minor shoppin. when i say minor, it means scavanging FOR cheap things. cheapskate.

but hell, it runs in the family.
just shoot me.

anyway. got a new cheap bag. CHEAP CHEAP. and i like.
it stinks la. not the "new stuff" kind of stink. THAT i still can take la, but it was, almost like.. stale milk! *yeuck.
but juz sprayed and aired it so it shld be nice and fresh.

i hope.

ting was her usual quirk.
eunice was the ever, "i want to get THIS specific. (haha)
and i was juz hittin cushions.

which REALLY irritated my eyes with all that dust, so i SAY,
retribution MUST exsist on this earth.

haha. i was gorgin at them. THEN i spotted the CHEAP-kiddish necklace,
and i was healllllED.

haha. the wonders of shoppin.

can't wait for tuesday tuesday tuesday~
its christams time wid the Company!

18 days till my darlin enlists. *sigh.
at least he doesn't haf to be away for 2 mths.
just 2 weeks.

8 days till cousin's wedding.

7 days till christmas and partyin wid frens

5 days till end of work.

4 days till eunice's birthday chalet

3 days till mum's birthday.

2 days till company party.

"till then, its the christmas countdown. LIVE on landrot.blogspot
gooday everyone. "

Saturday, December 17, 2005

the BING and BANG

i think things are patchin up fine fine.

my job will come to its termination in 7 days time countin frm today onwards!
double Woohoo!**

and i've decided that the real truth abt ching lin is never talk when I am hungry. never.
ur head will juz roooolllllll~
o my god, there it GGggggoooeeesss~

ok anyway. watched King Kong, and i must say it WAS worth the $8 spent.((:
a definite animal lovers film.
Kong is adorable. Black, hairy and all. haha

got my pay, though not much, BUT definitely worth spendin. hahaa.
NOT only on myself pls. (sadly. haha. no la. jkjk)

! which i am very, did i say "very"? nono.. EXTREMELY eager to show off rite now. SO . :D

he he he.
oright, i'm really tired. i'm not in the mood to joke. explainin my excessively borin post today. right now.

slap u la.

sorry that was random.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

my bash. MY.

why hello~. (:

i finally managed to change the radio station in my admin office to an english one. FINALLY.

blissful, understandable language.
not that i'm against chinese, but pls understand my plight when i say my chinese is below normal understanding. /:

haha. i miss u too lottsie Breast. you too nai Breast (hah, double breast, talk abt pointin out the obvious. haha) AND the company!!! when shall we meet again?! i'm rottin!

and no charlotte, the reason y i HAVE ot continue wid the job. IS the money.

without money, no shoppin.
without shoppin, no clothes.
without clothes...

that's somethin to figure out. haha

damn. i really got an urge to curl my hair.
the next hiroshima nuclear explosion in the makin.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

santa's wish, who will grant?

i lied when i said i'd update "later". haha. BUT it really wasn't intentional.

today was sentosa day, adn no i din haf much fun since there was no girly girly thing goin on. 6 guys and I being the only girl was really really not much fun. call it, anti social or girl sch devoid of guys syndrome, ha, i Really can't help it. and the day was juz made worst when i played volley badly. which i always do, so no surprise there. haha.
BUT, there was a nice passin thing goin on wid me and calv durin the friendly match. only 1. no more. and i'm glad to say my servin has improved slightly. it is however, nothin to be proud of. :/

i ALSO finally got to do some kayakin, though not the type of craft i wanted, but paddles were pleasin enuff.

it was a jellyfish stingin, minor tannin, and hopeful volley playin- day.

darn-it. haf to work again tmr.. *sigh

oh, and i've been doin some major photo snapshots wid calv usin a cam, which i borrowed fmr my cousin, over the past 3 days since sat. some scenery and cousins shots as well.

the joys of camera whorin. hahaha. quote-unquote, charlotte yap.

ok, i'm done, over and out--

Saturday, December 10, 2005

after course

damn. no rockclimbin happened.

but there's gonna be a nxt thurs, and nxt thurs will happen wid rock climbin included. (((:

Yest was spent tryin to be sexy.. haha. but failed since wearin nai's heels to town was an utterly failed mission. i couldn't walk properly half the time and tijmes i could was times when i was juz standin still.
imagine all that stagnance. poor calvin baby. haha
AND i managed to collect for myself a blister near my big toe which is healin nicely, and a few sores here and there.
and the bra was a nightmare. i won't even begin wid it.

watched aeonflux, and it was quite a disappointment.
this won't win an oscar/grammy, even with charlez theron inside.
but she was lookin Hot as ever. *sigh

its juz turned aft so not much to update for today. i'll be goin tothe gym later. aft which i'll go out wid my baby AGAIN! yay! (: haha. retarded.


i'll update further, later....

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

ok. changes to reflections.

okok since LOTTSIE has apologized. again. i will make amends and say i am NOT seethin, but now droolin frm anticipation of the awaited subway treat. hehe.

i told u subway works wonders...

my pond of reflection.

FINALLY the tag board is workin.

dun click too many times. ONCE is enuff. or a one "double click".

or u can be impatient and click many times and see the result.

i'm proud to say my diligence has paid off quite well. (((:

AND i'm finally gona see my darlin boy tmr. our hols isn't fanatstic wid all that work. :/

ROCK CLIMBIN here we COME!!! its been quite a while and i really juz can't wait. double the action packed evening! (my darlin and rock climbin all at ONCE) *grins
i'll give u details of our excitin evenin. dun be jealous. haha.

i'm still seething frm being abandoned.
u 2 watch out. hur.
i believe wad u told me was all Set up perfectly. if u were as enthusiastic as u were abt it b4 u knew the news of the guys goin, u would haf cancelled all plans or make an effort to.
learn to show some desperation and emotions. it would really help.
better yet. save the drama and actin. i'm ur fren, u could tell the truth.

the amount of selfconsciousness u haf of urself is amazing.


stupid boss is tryin to be rid of me. and he has no clue wad is goin on in the administration office!

i swear on his office rollin chair,
he will slip and fall to horrible death
at the bottom of a flight of stairs.
HA! curse you.

and everyone in the administration office NEEDS me. for now.
i open their god damn ENVELOPES,
and key in DATA.
and file in LETTERS,
and.. PRINTING!!!

there's a spy on the loose. i just KNOW IT.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

frustration. the cause?

i give up on the tag board thing. its drivin me crazy.
i'll try it again some other time. when my brain isn't goin thru tremendous stress frm the day's work. haha (tryin to act typical workin person. :D)

SO, if no tag board, no new skin. old template and commenting site is IN. haha.
so easy to understand. it's simple copyin.
i'm no tech savvy freak.
save me all that tech crap.

free tickets for the movie "pride and prejudice" was a dream come true.
i simply LOVED that show. its like one of my PRECIOUS romance novels, acted out.
and some of the scenes, were, well fantastically similar to that of mine in my book of love. *sigh
such romance! ((:

now seriously. those ppl hu read romance novels or enjoy historical and classic romances, u HAVE to catch the show.
the office i'm workin in gave free last minute tickets for it, and well, lucky min nai ching. haha. happy ppl we were when we were out of the theatre.
and believe me when i say i was still gigglin frm all the delirium i experienced all that romantic sweetness and bliss.

IMPACTFUL's the word here. ha.

i'm in a sandwich craze. I WANT sandwiches. healthy ones wid cucumbers and ham or wad ever meat slices. daily dose of veggie. i detest oil FOR NOW. but fries are still fine wid me. haha. all that famous amos cookies durin the movies has left me, greasy and overly saturated. *yeuck

ok. gotta sleep.

(today's our monthnni.((: i love)

Monday, December 05, 2005

times have changed.

ok everyone!
i'm proud to say my blog has changed it's skin IF u haven noticed. haha.

no really.

if u haven't noticed, ur being a real ass.

well, its been an "okay" day so far since nothin out of the ordinary happened.
except that i went to shop arnd orchard ALONE for a while. ok not shop. juz tried to confirm wid myself wad i REALLY wanted to get when i do get the cash.

i found myself gettin all confused all over again. *sigh.

BUT that doesn't hide the fact that i went walkin arnd alone.
Another trend settin breakthrough rite there.

take it frm the expert. follow my lead. *grins.


i ended super early today for work which has really made my day! ((:
ok. i've said my story.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

love is true, when it's me and you.

I imagined wad love would be,
I figured it was somethin mutual.
It must have been months since I last had those thoughts,
almost 7 if I must be exact,
and before all that I was clueless,
completely and utterly ignorant.

Its been a while since I dwelled in such thoughts,
of how love should and only be.
Of love to be flawless.
Of love to be bliss.

But the day i stepped into the wonders of heaven,
I'm sure of it,
and of all I feel.
Whatever it is,
to me,
love is you.

(not bad ar.. ching lin, i din noe u had it IN YOU! hahaha.)

the life i lead

my archive has FINALLY grown . haha.

"my baby is growin so big~... *sniffs"

oh. may i tell you how fanatastically well my day went? (:
why, i must say, it has been THE most excitin, up to date!

i spent the whole day, AT HOME!

i mean, i AM the only person hu stays home on a saturday rite. THAT, ppl of the floor, is makin a major statement, and it's cryin for attention. it shld be a trend settin BREAKTHROUGH.
but, it isn't.
so ya.
i'm alone, and watchin Xmen II for the 10th time? since i got it, eons ago. hur.

the onnly sweet things i've done today is meet my baby for breakfast, clean my "bunny bunny"~'s tray, buy food for it, and massage my dog (especially head area--very stressed atonomy.haha).

i am plannin to go for a swim later, but it can wait till my tummy finishes digestin every little crumb in every nook and crevy of my stomach. aft which, i'll proceed to eat a Banana for energy... ,

and then swim.

u must admit that's REAlly good plannin rite there.((:

i need my daily dose of excitement.


AND... i miss ncc. can u believe that sudden URGE??
that's prove of my boredom. RIGHT THERE.
no la. i miss ncc. i really do.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

my devote

ive finally spent some precious time wid my darlin. ((:
though too short a time the outing always seems, *sigh.
i miss my baby oh so much.

the world of EXCLUSIVES my ass.

some ppl are juz hopeless. they juz dun get it. its not like i'm an expert, but juz learn the rules, and dun be fooled, and dun come bitchin, when it happens for the second time. u were fucked once and had been b4, y are u dumb enuff to let it happen yet for another darn time? that's juz rotten of you. HAHA.

your makin ur life all screwed up and sore,
the choice u haf made may result an encore.
wads love when the trust is broken,
and wad if all u noe, has all been spoken?
the verdict is done
ur once again all

cheers to you oh screwed up one!

another person has juz made the stupidest mistake which i never thought IT would haf had been capable of doin. i'm disappointed, and i think ur plain weird, haha. go catch a chicken la u avian flu. ur taste is atrocious!
hunches and portrudin jaws.

agh, yuck.

perhaps, the company
* may understand all this. if not then, all the better.

i'm back fmr my aunt's little function. and a relvelaton has just struck me..
i look atrocious and resemble somewhat between a mamasan and a she-male.
i cannot begin to imagine the effects of wa-yang makeup on me. perhaps a premanent confusion to my sexuality.*sigh

i need a break. all that starin at my reflection has left me breathless and giddy. NOT fmr vanity i may assure you. instead, frm horror and perhaps somethin close to disgust. no, it IS.

those hu hate me, thou bitches u may be( AND I DON'T noe yu feel how u do, so PLEASE, haf some COURTESY and tell me why, u piss of a fuckin COWARD.), i must admit, stayin away fmr me, juz might be the cleverest thing u've done THUS far.

retards. both of u.

retards. such annoyance!