Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Back on Track.

so what of? good or bad, which u want to hear first?

i'll start with the bad.

today had art ( ok not a lesson, but had stuff to do for art).
did it frm 1pm to 6 pm.
of course the painting was horrible but so was the company IN the room.

particularly the guys that are always located near the basin.
i'll just spit out that they are a bunch of childisch amateurs who haf no sense of moral values in their puny brains.
and if not for the fact that they are highly recognised for being a cool dude (for one) and decidedly good in volleyball (for the other 2), one would haf to agree with me that they are just perpetual losers who spend their time struttin as if their balls weigh a ton and slop around like they're malformed in some way or another. and i hint it to be a particularly suggestive area, one might call a penis, but in their case, well, that would haf to be re-decided.

i say volley trainin on sat was just the usual, and the girls were typically split into cliques.
i duno if suchwould continue being this way in that CCA, but hell, its startin to be a tad conspicious, so where's the friendship and unity supposedly suppose to arise in a CCA that encourages teamspirit?

other than that i haf no qualms about daily life.
esp my time well spent durin the weekends witht he love of my life.

we watched the davincci code on sat, which i had already watched before, but out of consideration and love, i gave in to his demands ( X men was also filled anyway./:).
now because its the second time i watched it, i fell asleep *shrugs
but it felt great to be with him again. and of course u may expect more lovin' (((:

sunday watched X MEN, and i looooovved it. (:
i think the actor that had the multiplyin power is hot and cute.

and i realised that, now that calvin is back in singapore, he goin back to camp isn't such a bad thing after all compared to him beign ALL the way in taiwan.

i managed to pass most of my tests. (:
though my assignment marks are decidedly better.

AND yes oh yes, bought a new pair of shooooeeessss on sat. (: haha. only 29.90 pls. i'm at a perpetual high about it and can't wait to wear it out. YAY. ;D

so that's about it. :D

4 days. (:

Friday, May 26, 2006

happy! sha-la-la!

ALAS, in a few hours he'l be home, back in Singapore, once again!
while i type my happiness, i beam with anticipation, smile with delight and gloat over all singles still unable to feel the hapiness that i am experiencing now.
call it selfish, and wish i was selfless, but hell, i'm tellin u now,
in a few hours time,
i'll be the happiest girl on the planet, earth. :D

here's somethin :
that's yue jun aka MY jun jun. my cousin whom is three years my junior, a pain in the ass, and most decidedly deemed (too me) one of my better- lookin cousin. sad, i noe, but true, and i adore! (:

ok back to the topic i was OH SO gleeful over,
he's finally home!!! HE HE HE!

my god, someone stop me.

now sleep will be restful-to-restless tonight.

and art... finally my colour scheme is over and i can get on wid my final. and by now, i'm SO sick of painting already. SO VERY.

ok, i think i'm gona sleep early. can't wait for tmr to arrive! (:

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


FIRST, i'd like to make known that the ABOVE post (victoria secret ordering plan) is NOT a birthday present request station.
i'm gona selfishly state that i will NOT entertain ANY form of request sayin u want somethin from victoria secret for ur birthday.

the ONLY person that has a possibility, and the luck of recevin such would be NITHYA.
so the rest, too bad ur birthdays not close enuff to the ordering date. /:

and look on the bright side, ur not the only one buyin for urself somethin. :D

again, if u want to place orders send the order form to cheryl.

i'm quite tired of seein my tag board flooded wid such sadly discouragin messages.
i hate to part wid my money.
that's the reality.
and selfishly i'd spend on no one else but myself and my man.
beat it. HA *grins.

today was pretty ok. i'm finally gona finish my colour scheme, goin to, but not quite, but getting there.(:

and spencer was so adorable today la. HAHA
i'd adore a grandfather like him. /: oh wells.

volley was fine, that being a very generalised conclusion since i came for trainin really late. (had art)
but it was fun.

now i can't wait for sat.
that's when hols finally start ( although for YJC not exactly officially)
i can't wait for him to get home- on sat.
and i can't wait for sat's trainin. i'm rubbin my hands in anticipation.
so many good things to look foward in the weekend.

three days. 3! (:

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


bad news for me. the colour scheme that i've been doin, has been brutally rejected, so i'll haf to satrt ANOTHER.
when will this stop. huh?

i'd like to get started on my canvas already, but NO~ i haf to do a PAINT colour scheme. *shrugs

FOUR days. u hear?! FOUR!!!! (((:

Monday, May 22, 2006

begin frm A please

i'm in the classic "study-for-a-moment" mode.
i'm gona FAIL my lit test, no doubt since i did not put a SINGLE literary term in my essay, adn since i wrote about 2.25 page essay, the whole test was a big friggin waste of time.
i can just feel it in my gut. my head is screamin "ching lin u big LOSER".
i can't believe i made such a damn sick mistake like that.
i officially deem myself a drop out qualifier.

today was ALSO a waste of time since the only lesson i actually had was H1 maths, and that too was only a meer 40 mins since our teacher and our class were busy findin each other. oh the twists of a pure romance story. Hur.
the rest of the time i was wastin my life away, did not bring my art so colour scheme is STILL not completed. not like it'll look fantastical completed anyway. *sigh.
i'm screwin up my H2 subs.
i repeat.
i officially deem myself a drop out qualifier.

thursday would be somethin to look forward to. (:
a class outing, though not complete but nonetheless, its a proper class outin, hopefully without a teacher's presence... (now now, she's one of those teachers u REALLY wouldn't want arnd.)
we're watchin the da vincci code, or is it X men lll? but like it really matters, i want to watch both anyway

and friday would finally be the last day of my Long wait. hur.
its also the day i'll be goin back to KC! ( if everythin is in place)
and so if everythin is smooth flowin everythin would past a little calmer, and before i know it, BAM!
calvin will come swingin through the doors of changi airport, away from any taiwan girlfren he has gotten himself attached to, and clipped back onto my leash again. HAHA.
*woops. :D
ok that was comic exaggeration- or i'm really hopin it is. HAHA, but yea, home he comes! (:

art art art... *sigh.

5 dayyyyys mans. FIVE!!!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

the phuket trip is NO MORE.


yay. (:

pounding ache

went for big walk.

stop laughing.

went with my uncle, auntie, another auntie, and my mum.


now of all places, my shoulder and arms ( and only the right) is achin.
and u'd think it would be my legs.

it was 10 km if u must noe.
and i had to wake up Bloody F***in early. like 4.45 early. *roar.
and the whole time i was walkin my time away, all i wanted to do was fall asleep. my eyes were near to half closed, so tell me it was a waste of my money. /:
when i came back slept for 3 hrs straight, not much but pretty rejuvinated right now.

so whats on the list?
1- geog essay part (b)
2- lit test prep (tmr!)
3- art colour scheme

and some little stuff in between to make me go crazy.

volley is prob THE culprit for my achin shoulder.
trainin was ok.
i had my standard now so i'll just shutup.
i feel useless.

and i believe it now when pl say cranberry juice makes u shit.

4- 1 week till he returns.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

he hasn't called, nor come online, or msged. busy or otherwise.

current mood : beyond depression.
and charlotte yap has STILL not posted anythin NEW on her blog.

(there, ur wish. HAHA)

waiting. just anticipating.

hello u restless fools.

u noe i absolutely HATE mosquito bites on my toes?
it positively itches and when u scratch it, all u feel is a numbish pain that doesn't relieve the itch at all!

went to MI's carnival adn got myself a terapin! yes, another! (:
and its SO adorable, not that the previous one isn't, but this one is tiny like theother use to be, and its so temptingly squishy. HA

i want my victoria secret blouse la DAMMIT.
i want my birthday to arrive.
i want promos to arrive.
i want to pass it with high end colours.
i want to work part time to get Moolah
i want this year to end and the new one begin
i want chi new year to come so i can get even MORE moolah.
i want our 2nd year anniversary to arrive so i can celebrate the joy of eteranal love. HA.
i want calvin to end this bloody torture of NS fro both himself and i.
i want ALVLS to arrive and then leave me alone forever.
i want to get my second sucess, my long awaited certificate certifying me READY OK.
i want it good, REALLY good.


i'm just about ready to burst into tears for the long wait for calvin to return.

just 8 more DAYS!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

happiness reanacted.

i FINALLY pass my maths.
but i do not feel any form of achievement yet since, hur, i only passed by a mark and feel.. that perhaps, i'm still at risky point.

today had both netball and volleyball adn turn out was as expected.
netball, thank god we din get trashed, and i proudly say the score was 14-10. 10 being us.

volley, we are now in 4th place instead of 5th out of the 5 houses. we are now gona aim to BEAT seletar and clinch 3rd.
now everyone bow ur heads and pray. HAHA.

got a chance.. no no, CHANCES to talk to calvin, since i found a cheaper way to talk to faraway him hu's ALL THE WAY in taiwan.
i've found my link to him thru.... YJC's publuic phone! (((:
it's not much of a private corner, and i may actually look like one of those filipino maids who make sneaky calls to their lovers back in philipines, but it WORKS! :D
i finally got to hear his voice, and i rejoice and do a little jig in my heart.

can't wait for NEXT week's end.
until he comes back then, may my time be as packed as possible to take away the pain of his absence. and bring backt he glory of single days. /:

and fate has decided to be unkind to me by takin me away frm him on the 3rd and 4th of june.
that's when i head done back to sch for leadership workshop.
that's when i start wonderin y isn't it OBS like it use to be for last years leaders. *sigh
i guess its not fated.

AND i'm also flying OUT of singapore on the 17th of june to 20th june for a phuket trip! time away frm calvin is torturous, but on the flip side, i guess its ABOUT TIME i got of this island of mine.

now art. is destroyin all my happy time. /:

ten days!!!! (((((:

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


i haven't ahd much humour to entertain, explaininmy in consistent postings recently. ( its inconsistent for me considerin the history of this blog, and how many posts it manages to collect every month compared to other ppl's blogs, *looks pointedly at clam and cheryl phua)


i have piles of homework to work on and much slackin to carry out.
i've had ENOUGH of my money being grappled at with upcomin events and outings and birthdays! my god.
and i'm abt to waste some $20 on the stupid workship i refuse to attend and gave some shit reason of goin for physiotherapy cause of my back, so havin to skip the workshop.
partly correct since my back DOES haf an injury since god knows when, but truth be told, its gettin better.
*rejoices in the moment.

i haf to attend my sister's ( sister's a guy. :D) sch carnical at MI this sat, and i'm hopin i won't haf to spend any money. /:

i noe i'm a cheapskate but HEY, i'm tryin to save enuff money here.
i still want my VS stuff and i want that crumpler, both from some place called England.
*rolls eyes
tmr will be the finals for volleyball, and the netball finals will, i suppose be cancelled because of it.
which is crazy cause at least for netball we're a confirmed second, while volley... /:

"now i have ticket problem. MAYDAY!
i haf an extra ticket for "rhythm of life" 25th may
sellin at $10, pls, someone save me. ):

i need some endorphins. NOW.

lookin ont he bright side, HE comes back in 11 days! ( dun u dare tell me how time flies, i'm not havin the time of my life here.)

ok.. *heads to work pile and plops down heavily.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

i realised MANY many ppl has placed this tag line from desperate housewives everywhere.

" would you remove something that hurts,
just because it makes you feel better."

u copycats!

when time will pass

i believe girls are just TOO bothered with how they look in fotos.
We worry too much on whether we'll get our perfect match or not.
for those that already are attached, how much our guys really love us, when the day will come when they decide to leave us, what they really see in us, how they see us compared to other girls (blah blah blah!)
THEN. how much we've grown over a period of three days.
how we'll survive our next 2.4 run.
how the other girl is so much better than ourselves.
how our nxt shoppin spree is gona turn out.
what's the newest trend.
what new gossips, more old gossips.

it just never stops.

sometimes i get so sick of such things, i wish everythin could just go back to how it was.

goin for competitions, winning competitions,tryin to be the best, being the best, beating the best, testin ur limit, reachin the limit, getting a challenge, beatin that challenge, impressing, being oppressed.

at least one will stay healthy that way. and its so much more fulfillin.

i'm sick of the present.

13 days of unrequitted longing.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

the joke

you guys have GOT to watch these.. HAHA!


pepsi ad. :D

Friday, May 12, 2006


just looked thru fotos and saw these, and they made me smile peevishly, but they made me smile, espcially on such a dreary afternoon when everyone shld just go and die. (:
and.. hahaha.
the contrast is hilarious.

haha. ok. later!

fifteen days fifteen days... FIFTEEN DAYS!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

get set.

i awaken you!

ok so i'm back after a break of THREE days, reason being i have been busy crashin through art presentation preperation, which i Screwed up in the end so ACK.

as in it went so bad, i can't possibly talk about it.
i can't believe i even got band one for OP last year like that. *sighs desolatedly.

missed the rodney volley trainin BECAUSE of art, so now i'm physically unfit for it. HAHA.

i'm gona watch MI 3 with my parents later. haha. after such a long time!
brings back such fond memories of yesteryears.

i'll watch my second with calvin when he returns. UNTIL then , i'll prob watch da vincci code with classmates. they BETTER set a date and not cancel the date with me altogether. i'll roar up a storm!


Monday, May 08, 2006

"what a sad, strange little man."


my life reprint

i need fotos. /:

i realised i haven't changed my friendster foto in AGES and my blog has not seen a blob of photo ink ANYWHERE on it.

i haf art to do
maths to study,
lit test to await,
holidays to chase after,
netball interhouse games to be anxious over,
and calvin's absence to brood over,
so for goodness sake leave me alone.
leave me in peace!

DO NOT jump and harp on the expressions on my face.
do not WHINE at me
and do not tell me to cheer up.

you do not know wad ur gettin urself into.

ok, i'm too tired to talk.

19 days. *sobs pitifully.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

play a sentimental song

20 days.

stayed in the airport till 1 plus to see calvin off. the whole affair was so drama. no, there weren't cryin, but his mum was def makin a really big fuss (like clingin to his hand when he walkin away). haha
and it came to one point where he sat inbetween his mum and me, and he took my hand in his, and held it, until i looked down later, and saw his mum reach for his hand in comfort.
i saw and almost burst out laughin cause he seemed in such discomfiture abt being stuck between the 2 women that he loves, that i let go to let his mum take priority, FOR THE MOMENT. haha.
the farewell was funny yet painful. ): * tears dramatically
and like he said in his letter to me, " it is the longest period we're goin to be sepreated"
i guess there's a first for everythin. /:

now, i have work to do and money to save.
long live MOE for spoilin every nostalgic memory in our indistinguishable childhood.

i'll say. my 1st ever nephew, Lucas Seah Dong Xuan, is SO adorable. SO! (:

27th of may is the day i await with all my artilery pumping heart. ):

Thursday, May 04, 2006


till the end of time.
la la LA~!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

living a blur

so many things has happened,

such little words to say.

i'm not in the mood for any joy spreadin.
firstly, cause my aunt's dog has been givin me a bloody headache shittin and peeing OUT of the toilet.
secondly, i dun want to talk about it.

the only things that brightened up my day for just a little while was
- my 21/25 geog "test" score on limestone scenery (karsts and gorges)
and such things only happen to me once in a blue moon. no biggy since this was an open book test. /:
(lets hope the blue moon comes and eclipses durin my A lvls. /:)
- netball trails was FUN. (:
- art was short and sweet with little awkwards moments with the confrontational stare of ms
gao. HAHA.
- the one whole hour of undisturbed GP lesson out of a 2 hr lesson mind u.

now i shall proceed to read JANUARY's issue of reader's digest.
and then read through possible points in my gatherin of information of 5, DIFFICULT to find, artists.


( i'm not sure if calvin is even comin back within this short period of time he's in singapore and before he heads off to taiwan.. so i can't countdown, let alone feel happy bout wad has happened)

my life's a blur without you.