Sunday, July 30, 2006


we haf:
2 plastic, donald duck, rings, that came our from the turnstile machine. (:

it has become our couple ring. *giggles retardedly
how cheap.
how improvised.
how loved. (((:

geez. tmr is lit test: unseen prose.

oozy woozy

so unless the thought of me being eighteen strikes me, i feel no different than the exact time i felt on 27 july at 11:59:59 pm.

all u haf to noe was that yest was surprise of surprises, and calvin did his best to create an element of surprise with the limited time span he had. (he booked out at 6 plus pm! NS can go and eat shit.) and it was so adorable to see him hyped up. (((:

went to fish&co glass house since it was already way too late to get a proper dinner else where.
all else was a slow stroll from DG to orchard. and by then it was already 11.45

its was not the perfect dinner, but its def the perfect surprise. (:
and i finally got a stuff toy frm him. HAHAHA (((: (after much complains sayin i never ever got anythin sweet and innocent from him)(i earlier said i wasn't into stuff toys.BUT IT DIN MEAN I DUN WANT AN OCCASIONAL ONE!)

foto developement time!!! :D

Saturday, July 29, 2006

my mature eighteen.

yesterday blasted me off to grinworld.

maybe it's becasue i din expect that much, and eventually got so much satistfaction from the whole affair..
for those that dun noe WAD i'm talkin about, i speak of my birthday. (:

bow to me.
i'm finally 18. *grins

those intent on using me as your alibi against the law, take ur queue number and remember to offer some form of bribe.
no deal with ching lin comes thru without a bribe.

anyway, i woke up nice and early ( nice only for that day) and smiled, cause yes the thought that it was my birthday ran through my mind, in circles, the moment i opened my eyes, and went to the toilet to do wadeva i do int he mornin.
my eyes instantly fell on the toilet mirror, where an ang pow was stuck to it with a nice love msg frm my parents. HAHA. :D *grins
and i later gave them a peck on the cheek each.
and i haven done that in ages, it was both hilarious and strange.

went to sch smilin and of course received the foreseen cheers and greetings of "happy birthday!"s adn even had a string like rope dance performance by vithya, movin to the song "happy birthday" haha! crazy short fart. *grins

then the day went on with again the usual wishes.
and i even got the odd way of being wished.. the two hand shake hand thing. which had the hands crossed... what the hell is that suppose to mean Clam Lim? haha. *grins

lesson ended pretty early and i was waiting for the time to turn to 1.30pm so i could just go home and sleep ,
but my ENDEARIN classmates(*grins), tried their very best to put up a nice show and attempted to build up some element of surprise and suspense for me. futile attempt but it was hilarious to watch, and felt touched by their efforts anyhow.

here's roughly how it went:
-i came back frm the toilet (alone) to the table that susu, vithya and i was sittin before.
-but no one was there though that's not unsual.
- suddenly while i was readin a book, vithya appeared w/o susu and said she needed to go tot he toilet.
- i then told her to go la. ( i mean need me to go and supervise meh?)
-then she did a PERFECT impression of a pathetic look of someone hu feels insecure abt goin tot he toilet herself. HAHA *grins
- so i gave in and took my book along and followed her.
-only she brought me to ANOTHER tabel where more classmates resided. but it turned out they weren't ready so they all pai seh and started wishin me happy birthday again. HAHa
- i laughed it off and just stuck arnd while qute a few disappeared to get ready.
-finalyl vithya appeared and told the rest to scram and then she made me take a SLOW walk towards the exit of ythe indoor canteen. upon reachin the very end, she told me to STOP, she then peeked out behind the wall to check if all was ready, then turned to me "OK, GO!"
- so much for discreetion. haha *grins
-then there was the chorus of voices singin the jubilant song. ((:
- of course the impromptu plannin ended up in me havin poky sticks for candles
which i had to bite in order to make it an official "blow candles" business
- after which i had the whole big slice of cake to myself.
- which i was so stuffed up only after eatin half of it. (i ate a huge lunch before dammit!)
- after that everyone refered to the poky sticks as candles.
- i guess a girls filled class isn't so bad. :DDD *grins

birthday dinner with MOST of the company was real good and satisfyin. (((:
kudos to cheryl for introin to us such a delightful resturant.((:
its in palaci renassaince ( so art!)
and i'm not sure wad the resturant is called but the food was darn good.
adn i finished my plate CLEAN. (and it was a big portion) my appetite scares me sometimes. /:
received my much wanted esprit bag ( despite many ppl already havin it. THAT's a first) for the main present. *grins
balloons!!! one purple heart, one pink oval yellow polkadotted one and a PRINCESS heartshaped one with cinderella ( no sleeping beauty... BUT STILL NICE) on it adn a happy birthday! ((((:*grins

first time receivin balloons on birthday so thank you THE COMPANY once again. ((((: *grins

to continue the list, i received a nice card from them, with sweet messages and a desolate soundin message by vincent which gave hints that he missed calvin TERRIBLY. haha! *grins

and ALSO a massage thing(?) that vincherfudge gave to me. HAHA
it looks alot like the seal that i haf hanged on my hp. HAHA. puff ball. *grins
and i kept playfull bumpin princess with it while singin a tune. she wagged her tail. her stamp of approval! ((:

ok to get back to the dinner, i had a muffin for a "birthday cake" with EIGHTEEN DAMN LONG AND THIN candles STUFFED right in the middle of the muffin! *grins
the fire created was gettin STRONGER AND STRONGER by the second.
i bet if the aircon was any stronger it would ahf burnt me alive!
it was even amazing i could blow it off in one PPUFFFFFfffff~

dear char had the muffin cut to 5 "slices" so everone could haf a litte somethin. (:
great end to such a wonderful day.

i really loved it. thank you all SOOOOoooooooOOOOo MUCH! *grins

now i await more munches and surprises frm CALVIN<3 and the beloved mushpan family. (:

whoo! long long LONG post. (((:
i told u i was sent to *grinworld.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


in just a few hours i'll be turnin mature eighteen.

wonder how different it'll feel...

probably none at all.

oh yes. and recently i haf this need to eat "desert" after every dinner.
be in small or big, I DUN CARE, but i EAT.

wonder how long this will last. * ponders thoughtfully

today art was soooooooooOOOoooOOOooooo borin.
we had a block test review with samples for EACH question.
there's 6.
1 hour plus plus in total was spent on such.
how mundane and utterly eye blinding.

today was also the day i made up my mind to head down to far east to collect my summer dress. YAY! (((:
i love love LOVE it. (:

i finally deduced from the days of my life that in my life, i have acquired not many achievements at all.
i'm not completely proud of almost everythin in life, but instead, consistently drifting on mundane subjects and the daily tolls one can find on any other day.
i guess i could haf been proud of myself for gettin a 19/25 for an unseen poem essay for the Blocks, but somehow, i always manage to suppress my glee and jubilation and force myself to think of the consequences of being complacent.
in doing so, forcing myself to attempt to do better.
but think about it.
if i dun enjoy the moment and the moment after just in the hopes attainin better results in future, where's the joy in progress then???
they always say, "you've done well, but you can do better."
what if i dun?
what if i'm happy and fine just there?

but i'll bet it probably will get better if i TRY.
but for the moment, i just wish it wasn't always about doin better but instead, living for the moment.

enough said.

i miss calvin and i want him back now!

hail all! i'm turnin eighteen soon! no cheers to that.
(it means i haf to start payin 2.50 in stead of 1.50 when i go to the gym.) HAHA

3.25 hours to happy day!
2 days till calvin returns!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

poo wee

i prolong the pain only to find sweeter fulfillment in the reward.

i have nothin else to say, therefore i come in peace to say, i'm bored, u bore me, and we will live on, bored as can be.

see you. next time, next year,

2 days to happy day!
3 days till calvin returns!

Monday, July 24, 2006

groan moans

i HATE art la dammit.
how am i suppose to convert realistic MEMORIES into fantasical and surrealistic images?!

its drivin me crazy.
like instead of wakin up and feelin loved by calvin, i wake up feelin the stress of how to potray this and that!
and this can't be happenon on such a HAPPY WEEK as this!!!
my birthday is this friday for god's sake.

ok suggestions needed.
how to show :
-my love for princess ( my dog)
-my first car

help will be greatly appreciated.

4 days to happy day!
5 days till calvin returns!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


there we go. haha the wooden buses and car that we conveniently helped ourselves to at URA centre. haha. (:

and here are fotos of US durinthe heritage hunt.
i cancelled all the irrelevant site fotos. useless. HAHA.

on our way to find the thian hock seng temple ( i think i got the name wrong)
though at first we landed at the wrong temple and kemp ong made a fool of himself.
but no matter.
saw a cute eurasian, so that's sufficent make up. HAHA
so this is the entrance of the mistaken temple.
all that wasted effort to look enthusiastic. /:
i think this was suppose to be the right one...
i'm messin up all the temples la.
u all noe wad that means...

the last and final temple we reached.
ligth cool ar. aptly found in a religious site.
and FINALLY, after the whole thing, what was remainin of our group....((:

ok. that's it. peace. :D
8 days to happy day!
2 days till calvin returns!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


well today wasn't as bad as i thought it would've been.

here's the gist:
first and foremost, had a readin session. (GP related. ain't it always?) y can't they just LEAVE US ALONE.
the articles were abt culture, men's fashion and women's fashion.
they were all interestin by the way.
like the culture one was about ANIMAL culture. very interestin.
then the men's fashion was really abt the pros of wearin boxer shorts and cons of wearin skimpy bikini briefs (think trunks not thongs)
something about boxers makin healthier sperms and briefs killin the sperms and lowerin sperm count. quite funny, interestin.
then the women's one was mediocre, talked about shoes. and girls' fetish for em'.

after that had an english seminar and had did a review of a movie called "hotel rwanda"
its abt the genocide of the tutsis by the Hutus.
Tutsis, durin colonal rule were favoured by the Belgiums, basically because of their skin colourand height and all the works.
the Hutus, the typical opps were not really ostrasized or anythin but i guess they got REALLY jealous, and when the colonal rule was over, they struck the Tutsis HARD.
it also covers issues abt racial discriminations and all that jazz.
there are massacres all over the area, bodies lyin everywhere.
but since it's historical fact, and hits so CLOSE to the truth on how we actually feel towards such issues, it makes it all the more painful to watch.

a definite 5 star movie. loved it. touching and overwhelming.
makes u want to be real charitable.
and from someone as cheapskate adn selfish as me, that's sayin somethin.

we then later went for learning journey at URA (dun ask me wad it stands for. ha)
we were given a choice to go either Bukit C or URA.
i messed up URA to be Bukit C and Bukit C to be some borin place.
BUT it turns out that URA is a close to borin place and bukit C the fun place.

anyhoos it was still fun goin tot he URA cause we did so many lame stuff that u'd never thought JC, 17and 18 year old students, would be in the right mind to do.
we rode the glass elevator up down up down, and i bet if we could go side, we'd do exactly that.
then stole wooden buses and cars from the beautiful model of marina bay (or rather the south to south-east of singapore) .
and we tried do it discreetly and escape the watchful eyes of the security guard, and then kept envisionin being caught for stealin those CUTEsy wooden cars and buses.
haha, some were even stuck real tight to the minin roads so we had to really nudge them sideways.and then run off back to show the rest each other's loot.
we even wanted to grab the boats, but they were sooooo far out at sea...))):


then after that we headed to the hawker beside people's park and sat down for some tongue sweeteners.
i wanted to get the cravable hum jin peng but then it required me to fry the blobs of DOU myself, and i dun think i was up to it. i'd prob burn the pieces and up paying for nothin but coals.
so i subjected myself to tau suan instead.

after that treked our way to the tanjong pagar mrt station and rode home to the northlands.

fun day indeed

and i'll take pictures of my loot later/tmr/tmr night.
and post it up soon! (((:

oh yes.
and the vietnamse little girl is stayin over at my house tonight, for a trial. with her mum. and some extra woman.

thank god its only for 4 days 3 nights.

HEY, my whole ROOM is sacrificed for their little vacation and i'm left to bunk in with my parents on a darn mattress i thought i'd never sleep on again ever since i was 12.
apparently not.

9 days to happy day!
3 days till calvin returns!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


oright, those that want to noe how calv's bdae went, i'm too lazy to relate it to u.

all u do need to noe was that i was unable to carry out wad i planned as his parents (specifically MUM) insisted that he celebrate wid fam on sat so i celebrated with his fam. no fun.
but i did manage to get a strudel for him to use as a "birthday cake" and used a sparkler for a candle when he came over to my place to collect me. (he wanted to!)
yea that pretty much added up.
gave him the belt and cards, and after which he then claims is the best birthday he has ever had. *coughs. ( i beg to differ otherwise thugh.. /: cause it could haf been a whole lot better. sigh)

oh yes, and the buckle was not for canvas, but i bought the canvas when i went to get the buckle, and turns out it doesn't fit so had to go bugis check out the leather there with him, which he din like, and i din EITHER, so i brought him to fareast the "belt shop" and got a nice leather strap to attach to the SUPERMAN belt buckle.
all in all it looked good. (((:

tmr is the start of OBS week, and the week where we non OBS-ers are subjected to a excruciatingly boring timetable of endless drudgery.
not to talk anymore, i shall provide some fotos from the birthday.(:

the birthday strudel.

the birthday boy:D

i guess its not much? but haha, oh wells. (((:

this was taken on sunday, day after sat.
ate at beach road. yummy stuff. (:
and cheap! AHAHHAA

oh yea.
10 days to happy day!
4 days till calvin returns!

Friday, July 14, 2006

rock the floor!

i'm a little pissed with a small scene in my life's play.
act 17 scene 11.14 :

its after our 4x100 relay heats and of course we got first, haha,
and character 1 comes nagging and encouraging at the same time, and then turns to compliment character 2.
of course i'm not angry with her complimenting her, in fact i was in full agreement, we've got oursleves a really good runner in our hands.
character 1 turns to me says loud and clear, " sorry ar ching, you are not gona run paluuf, character 2 will take over"
i'm ok with character 2 being takin over me, i already told character 1 way earlier that character 2 should take over me for paluuf, but DAMN HER (character 1) for fuckin actin as if she's the bloody boss.
she isn't even the fastest, and she acts as if she's callin the fuckin shots.
i noe i'm not that fast though i can still hold my own, but i just DID NOT like the way she handed that ultimatium at me.
its just beyond her jurisdiction and i swear my hands were just ITCHING to give a tight slap on her face.
i repeat i've got no objections to character 2 takin over me, in fact i'd glady push her into my place. besides, there's still next year when character 1 will be out and away frm YJ.

oh fuck, my hands are itching to strike.

to turn the atmosphere down low and light,
we were too damn good for 4x100.
but we could do better.
like they all say,
a little practice goes a long way.

and somethin else to be gleeful about:
4 hours to calvin's birthday! YAY!!!!

20 more hours till i see calvin again. HURRAY!!!

and finally,
14 days to my birthday!!!
hahaha.. everyone get ready~! :D

Thursday, July 13, 2006

just the way you look tonight

i vent my frustration in anger.

all my hopes and plans are dashed.
further elaboration is unrequired and uncalled for.

i haven gone out with the clique in ages, haven seen a glimpse of them, and not a whisper of the noisy chatter that i was so use to before.
and no, i'm not up for shopping!
i'm low in cash, low in morale and infinitly low in emotions.

u were forewarned, and if i raise my voice and roar at u, u noe when to stop.

i hate art.

15 days to happy day!
2 days till calvin returns!
2 days to calvin's happy day!
i just want this year to end.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


ok, everythin has been decided and its down to either champagne or sparkling juice depending on wad i deem nice when i go down to the mart. HAHA.

the cards are down, tmr i'll buy the belt.
and on sat, i'll get the food before he comes home.

enuff of that.
today was the investiture! finally its over.
and i got myself a gold bar. haha. *bling bling

nothin much except i got back my GEOGRAPHY paper, and i passed on the dot. and yes, as expected, it was the human geog part that was the cause of such mediocre grade.
its a start and i feel pretty happy with my grades despite their average-ness.
TMR also is the vocab test that my stupid irritating teacher holds ever fortnightly or so it feels
and and there's art tmr too.
i haven done anythin so screw it.

just sent my white jeans for alteration and will expect it by
thurs and then to be worn on sat. (((:

friday will be the make up heats for the rodney 4x100 team.

and i've nothin else to update so THERE.

17 days to happy day!
4 days till calvin returns!
4 days to calvin's
happy day!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

joyous moments

i'm so excited bout calv bdae right now. haha.
just today, i realised i've only been thinkin bout wad to get hima dn not abt wad to DO.
then i satrted plannin and yhinkin up stuff, and now that i got it all figured out, i'm burstin with excitement! ((((((:
can't WAIT *rubs palms together in anticipation.

and tell me... which is better champagne, white wine or red wine?
and if its wine, how to choose? haha not too ex pls thanks.

present will be a superman belt. :D
and shld i add a superman based shirt in faded base of blue or green
( no u dun choose the colour. just decide an answer to the question if i shld get it)??

adn guess wad?
i made superman based cards!
but this is done cause i'm lazy to get the superman marvell comics that he was droning abt today. HAHA
i noe its an too overly superman, but haha. the superman stuff ends there.
it just gets more super with the dinner.
so excitin.

ate a lot today again.
went to prata place and ate:
-chicken bryani with fried chicken. my all time favourite! (:
-2 plain prata
-1 paper prata
-small bit of banana prata which tasted a lot like banana fritters, so its quite a waste of money.

then while my food was STILL digestin
calv had his damn jap food cravin and we ate sushi. /:
so i'm still bloated and full since 5 plus.

enough of all that.
trm is the start of sch week AGAIN.
and tues is the investiture. how bout that.
finally by then it'll be all over.
i shld also start on promos studyin.
that way i won't feel like slammin my head on the wall
when it comes to the month of sept.

tmr is the 4x100 relay heats.
i really hope rodney gets first for it again this year as it did the eyar b4 even without the top runners present in our team.
this is also where i start cursing the inter sch nationals for holdin its events on the same days as our sch events.
curse u wretched fools! *shakes fists in anger

i haven got his present yet. SHIT la. tutt tutt.

19 days to happy day!
6 days till calvin returns!
6 days to calvin's
happy day!
woots. WOOTS!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

finished the first full investiture rehearsal today.
damn tirin, damn sian, damn everythin bad. /:

now i just can't wait to see calv so... dum dee dum. (:

then i'll rant.

20 days to happy day!
7 days to calvin's
happy day!

Friday, July 07, 2006

the lowest i could go

to say that i'm pretty disappointed is an understatement.

i lost out in long jump because i friggin couldn't step in the board.

now look where that silver indi trophy is goin.
just look at where its GOIN!!!
(no i'm not against the girl hu got it, i'm just beatin myself down fro losing it)

i'm depressed, and just need to rant it all out but even than i duno wad to rant!

i'm sadly, depressingly hopeless i feel so useless.
however,i did get encouragement frm the teacher to try trainin and attempt participating for nxt years inter sch nationals. it was a fruit for thought, he says, "just to prove i can" (as in he can to coach us to become jumpers)

should i?

the thought of goin back to the track and field lifestyle is failing to shine some positive light on my current situation.

it'll bring my thick thighs back.
and i so want to keep it as slim as possible.
too much muscles on a girl's thigh aren't flattering.

but truth that is blared in my face is that i din even get the top 3 places!
that's the sad and sorry truth and i can't take it. my ego just CANNOT take it.
NOT when i managed to get the SECOND place LAST YEAR.
dammit. i hate being unable to control wad i know i CAN.
i really feel like crack my head and pullin my hair out.
it ain't any good keepin them ANYWAY~

should i take the chance?

considerin possiblities:
-time consuming
(takin in consideration i'll be in J2 then. YES I MUST PROMOTE.)
-i already haf volleyball to train for
-i can't possibly haf the ability to train myself since i never was a
jumper anyway.
-again time consuming cause if u do want to take effort to train,
one needs a partner.

such a headache.
should i? )))):

i need calv to lean on and rant to cause he's prob the only one that'll cheer me up.
encourage me when i need to be told so, and tell me the lies of love that i'm still the best.
(recalls the sonnet by shaekespear that appeared durin the blocks)

geez i need him now and i'm gona burst into tears. ))):

i scraped my knee too.
at least if i scraped it to get to top 3 it wouldn't be bad, but i scraped it and din get anythin.

i feel fuck useless.

i've got perpetually ugly and scraped up knees, low morale and low physical condition.
what can be more worst.

what can be more worst.

21 days to happy day!
1 days till calvin returns!
8 days to calvin's
happy day!

no i did not say ll that in a happy note.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

i want candy!

well, for poetry, i DID get 19 after all. (:
but i also failed by half for unseen prose and passed by half for antony and cleo.
so i guess all in life is fair?
(everythin is fair OR unfair according to life's ups and downs rite.) *rollseyes

i've been readin a contemporary romance novel "P.S. I Love You."
i bet u ALL heard it b4, and those hu haven tutt tutt.(:
i borrowed frm syafiqah.
and this story is positively the most elevative love story i haf ever read.
(other than "whitney, my love"? maybe)
it made me laugh hysterically and cry so hard( it was the shortage of air kind of HARD cryin with the SOBs and gasping for air kind)
it made me uimagine stuff too. haha
but its almost the romantic love story.
the guy obviously seemed too good to be true, but wad was so heart wretching was his love for his wife.
i dun think ANY guy could match up to his amount of love and devotion he shows towards his wife.
thinkin about it makes me sigh like a demented fool.

here's a small synopsis:

gerry and holly were childhood sweethearts and there were together like, forever.
they could finish each other's sentences, the lived like they were one soul and they did almost everythin together.( you may even take it literal. HAHA)
one day gerry found out he had cancer and of course he slowly started to deteriorate.
his death brought a remarkable change to holly's life
it was approachin her 30th birthday when she received a box filled with envelopes for 10 mths (one card for each month) forth and slowly, these notes guide her towards her new life.
and every note is signed "P.S, i love you."
as the year gradually progresses, holly is cheered and challenged, and the man who knew her more than anyone else sets out to teach her that life goes on.
she finds herself laughing, crying, dancing, singing- adn being braver than ever before.
Life is for living, she realises- but it always helps if there's an angel watching over you.

how was that? (((:
it's by cecelia ahern if u happen to want to borrow the book from somewhere. :D

tmr is the 100m heats and long jump finals. WOOTS.
finally some sport sport sport!

can't wait for sat to arrive. (:

22 days to happy day!
2 days till calvin returns!
9 days to calvin's
happy day!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

now i know what love is

you taught me to give,
when i didn't know better,
and i took my first step, to living.

you taught me to receive,
when i didn't know how,
and i found myself, in heaven.

but what i learnt most
that really brought out the toast:

you taught me to love,
when i thought i knew how,
and instantly, i knew better.

23 days to happy day!
3 days till calvin returns!
10 days to calvin's
happy day!
here's a consolation i haf frm wad i noe bout the block test results i'll only receive NEXT week.
(such suspense, for what?!)

lit, there are three parts rite( antony&cleo, prose, poetry), tina tells me i've scored 19 for poem essay according to mr sng.
well then, let me just PRAY its true and not a figment of mr sng's imagination.
and if it IS true, then most likely my A&C essay and prose one has scored badly.
i know it.
well done ching lin. *rollseyes

Mr chua has given me SOME hope that i may haf passed my maths paper.
" they did pretty well"
he tells the HOD of maths (mrs kwuang) hu came to check out our class.
but he ALSO did say that one person failed.
so that's where my heart drops to an all time low. /:

other than that, i have no such hope for GP cause that is an instant fail frm ms lim's disgusting tone of voice.

and geog makes me feel as if i'm balancing on thin rope, any time just tippin over to one side, and the results nxt week determines the fate of either fallin and dyin or falling and flying high high high! into oblivion.

ok wadeva.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

when i turn

today was a borin day with borin occurances and the only think that was less than interesting is i met an old ncc mate in gym, and i bumped into mr sng while crossin the road to my block of flats.

for dinner i managed to salvage left over dumplings which i had to cook for myself, which i'm ever so lazy to do, all the time.

but to counter that, i cooked for calv on er... sat! maggi with eggs, vege, and chicken strips along with a hashbrown and chilli sauce.
here's where u give me a pat on my back and say, " not bad ching lin, not bad at all."

gettin back, yea, i was darn lazy doin my dinner for myself i slugged through the whole process. i'm also gona sleep early casue i'm too darn tired to think or do anythin else.

worse, princess (my dog) made the whole process between step into home adn cookin dinner such a trouble for she pooped ont he floor AGAIN! she's suppose to do it in the toilet, but she INSISTS on doin on the floor.
such a brat! haha
like she's tryin to prove a point or somethin.
and to think she's already goin to 7 human years WHICH is equivilent to 49 dog years.


other than that i'm really to tired to stay up for calv's call which is usually at 10 plus.
but i duno. i'll see. /:

ok countdown time to make myslef happier!
24 days to happy day!
4 days till calvin returns!
11 days to calvin's
happy day!
chirpy and happy i am. (((:

Monday, July 03, 2006

concert plays

screw you july babies!

except calv and me. (: *smiles shyly

the constant niggling at the back of my head sayin, " u still haf to get present for ____, ____, ____, ____, _____,_____, _____!!!"

*sighs dejectedly

eatin home-made dumblings that my mum have done.

went out with the breast and alas i bought my white jeans! *woots!

now, if i keep the esprit bag and an ideal casual dress out of my mind, i just might be able to concentrate on savin up for calv's prez! (((:

ok. i'm drained and full and i haf nothin else to yap about since tmr is the start of sch, adn nothin is more dreadful than that so. THERE.

25 days to happy day!
5 days to calvin returns!
12 days to my farmer's happy day!

dum! the end~

Sunday, July 02, 2006


today was a eat eat EAT day.

ate Brunch at thompson prata place. (((:
but din eat prata.
AND regrettin now
since i suddenly haf the urge to eat that. BOMB prata..
yea anyway, ate chicken bryani with fried chicken breast. yums!

then we (calv and i) headed to katong parkway since i had the urge to see that place once again, and also with the hidden motive to fnd the white jeans i so desired.
went there so the jeans
but hail the biggest obstacle in shopping:
they din haf my size.
funny thing was i could actually fit into the smallest size they had available, U.S. size TWO!
(time for you to applaude. yes. :D)
but a size 4 would obviously be a better choice and so i reluctantly left the place
with a heavy heart.
the thought just makes me sigh.. *sigh!

then went arnd other shops, with calv in tow, and spied a neat lookin esprit bag, but hail second dilema of shopping!
the bag costs more than the jeans!
what kind of bloody atrocity is THAT!

so again i left with a heavy heart cause i was not about to give up such hard saved cash for the bag unless and only UNLESS the jeans is not within reach, (and if a dress i intend to buy is not satisfactory)

so after the little walk through the east's miniature town,
i complained i wanted dessert,
but ice cream din appeal to me despite all the tantalising pictures of creamy and droolable scoops of flavoured fat stuff.
i wanted sweet potato!
of all things la.
i think yishun's chinah-ness is gettin to me.

but we went to food court, and calv decided he was hungry so he ate again, beef noodles, which i kah po-ed quite a bit.
eventually i wasn't satisfied with the amount of money they wanted to rob off me for the dessert that was available in the food court and insisted on goin to the hawker centre.

i finally got yummy, sweet, ant colonising worthy SWEET potato (says it all. haha) dessert. (:

oh and while we were at parkway, we raided the sale that was held for snacks. HAHA.
sellin at $1.05! haha
bought packets of sweets and the choco hello panda, mega pack ( for himself though /:) and now i want to eat that too.

i want more lemon puffs (khong guan. so ncc kayaking expedition. god, i miss those days)
and i'm not hungry, just itchy mouth.

TMR! is another shoppin trip witht he reknown BREASTS (haha!).
successful or not, will be what i will fill in in my next post.

and just an hour ago when i sent calv off, i was walkin home and came across a BEAUTIFUL grey stray cat with bright and big yellow green eyes. i just called to it and it came and started flirtin with me, courtin me i guess in its attempt o lure me into bringin it back.
it was so pretty and cute i stayed to touch and caress it for a few minutes, but alas it was time to get home and so i started walkin away and it suddenly twisted and gave me a nip on my calf!
i got a shock la.
then it started stalkin towards me again i was like "oh no u dun" and walked a little faster.
but i guess its pretty clever by learning different tactitcs on tryin to get its way.
when it realised i wasn't takin it home it got offensive.
when i paused to chekc the nip ( which is just teeth mark) it came forward again, i guess thinkin i've hestitated and maybe decided to bring it back after all. but. HA, it made the wrong choice in bitin me man.

but it was adorable, and it's eyes reminded me of Ginger. that big eyed creature. ((:

my birthday is comin~ yay. YaY. YAY~! :DDDDDDD
and calv is back in camp again.. )))))):

it'll be my DOUBLE countdown

26 more days till happy birthday
6 days till calv appears again.